Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Lucky Number 6

Holy shit... March 7, 2007 is my 6 year anniversary of working at this one company. Has it really been 6 years for me? Time has really gone by fast and I really don't know what happened. Six years ago, I started here incredibly frustrated from my last job of 3.5 years. I was worked to near death. In September of 2000, I was putting in 12 hour shifts every day. I did not have a day off. I drove the 40 mile round trip commute like a zombie. I was underpaid. I was hating everything. So when that month was over, I was hoping for a rest and normal working hours. I was wrong.

From October to December of that year, I did have days off but they were rare and I was under constant pressure to finish my project, no matter how many hours were in the day. By the time January came around, I was done, I was finished, I had enough. Luckily I had a friend who had a girlfriend interview for my current job and it wasn't right for her, but it was right for me.

I have met a lot of people here since I started. Some were assholes. Some were weird. Some were funny. Some became true friends. A few I was smitten with. All were memorable and there's even a small group of people that I am very protective of. A small group that I would do anything for because getting through a place for 6 years, you need people like this to carry your spirit and help you see the next day.

There's no mistaking it. I complain. I complain because I am dealt a pretty ugly poker hand every day. But as in life (or poker where you're playing with wild cards), I have encountered many wild cards that make my hand playable. Sometimes I win, more often than not I lose, but it was fun in the process. Last weekend, I was dealt a full house and I couldn't contain my poker face. I even had a couple wild cards to make sure that I couldn't lose no matter what happened. I was so very happy.

So in this article on my 6 year anniversary, I will write briefly about the 6 wild cards that have helped me continue to battle with the hand that I was dealt in my own way. I guess that would be one wild card for every year completed. Take some time today or whenever and think about who your wild cards would be and how many you have by now. I'm sure it isn't that hard when you think about it.

Life is short and I really understand that today. We go around keeping our feelings to ourselves to protect ourselves from vulnerability. When these thoughts eventually do come out, it's for an occasion like a farewell... I just feel "why save it for farewells?", when it can be expressed now, when you are still surrounded by these people.

MLL - The ambassador... If you are new to the company, she will most undoubtedly welcome you and take you under her wing.... and even though it's hard to believe at times, people still remember this. Had I started after her, I would have gotten the same welcome. I personally, will always remember her kindness, compassion and her ability to make a great cream cheese frosting on her even tastier variety of desserts.

AR - Is it time to go home yet? Everyone has been exposed to this at one point or another. The common morning greeting that reminds you where you are. But he's great, because he's been here longer than I have and so I don't feel like an old timer. If someone thinks I've changed a lot, look a little different, seen a lot here, they haven't met AR. I'm just glad he's here to help me compartmentalize things.

MT - This person just turned 30 and all I can say is, if I met her today, I would've guessed another younger rounder age. She's got a heart of gold and I respect the heck out of her. It seems like I've known her all my life, but it really only has been 6 years at most. It's good when you meet someone like that. I always feel I went to kindergarten with her.

JKR - "No, I think the name of Jewel's album is 03/04 not 04/03".... odd little conversations like that are the foundations of my friendship with JKR. That quote was in the car when I drove her back from an outing when she first interviewed here. Little did I know that things would change for me in so many ways. Now I can't even comprehend what my life will be if I didn't run into her for at least 2 min for a conversation at work. I know that day is coming. Life will take us on separate paths and drifting apart is unavoidable. So I appreciate every moment now... as if it's the last but I know that won't be until later. I guess I can't help but be sad when it does happen.

PMN - This is the guy who knows a thing or two about working at the company for a long time. Fortunately (or unfortunately), I've known this guy for a long time as well. Through very happy times, very monumental times, very scary times, and very insignificant times. The good thing about these 'times' as I liked to call it, was that he made me think and analyze things from a different perspective. The English perspective, though known usually for it's pessimistic flavour, helped me bin the rose coloured spectacles of living in America. Now I question everything and be happy about doing so.

CPW - A short blurb doesn't justify what this guy is all about. He's gracious. He's caring. He acts in a way that makes all those around him, emulate him. When you watch the news and hate what you see, he is what is good about this world. And I am very glad to know this man. My life would be pretty flavorless and stale if not for the shining sun embodied in this young man. More than a great friend, he's a blood brother if it were still socially acceptable to do that sort of thing. Sometimes it's hard to stay in touch with people... it will be hard not to stay in touch with him.

Honorable Mention (I could only name six): MM+HL who are expecting a child in September, SB who will be going to Canada soon, and last but not least... one certain predominantly female lab I don't have any business conversing with but I do anyway (Boys: MG, PC, TK, SS... Girls: CB, CO, LC, NC, SF)... here's to more wonderful times ahead and more great pictures for me to put on my dresser drawer.


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