Friday, March 2, 2007

Friday Linky Links

Hello... I'm putting away the soap box today... just your garden variety funny links.

An update... The dude who doesn't like Blacks.... fired!


I did this with more than 5 minutes left... how fast can you?

It's good to see that Americans are getting just as good as Italians in playing sports...

Geico... so easy even a caveman can do it... and so ABC will...

Some people have to get shot glasses when they travel to another country. Some people like to get wine. Some people like to take pictures to remember the country they are visiting. Angelina Jolie? She also likes to take something back when visiting another country...

I got 2 star wars links for you today... one was a stabbing... one involved Wallace and Gromit... yeah two in one day... amazing!...

For those of you who don't know... I love Dance Dance Revolution... but if you don't know how to play it well, follow this boy...

I love Keith Olbermann... he was great on ESPN's SportsCenter and his humor is dry and biting.
But he is also extremely intelligent and has had many commentaries as of late, trashing the Bush Administration... here is his latest one about some guy on CNN who interviewed this woman and wanted to see her naked... yeah... I'm not kidding... go ahead and click...

That's it for now... I'm going snowboarding! Hooray!


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