So begins another TV season and a bunch new and old shows are out to get hooked on.... again
I get enough crap about how much TV I watch, so I've decided to only watch one new show this year... more on that next time...
(speaking on the guy who gives me crap on that, the baseball bet has gotten a little closer and this could end in a tie... stay tuned)
So today, I'd like to talk about some shows that I really disdain... I mean I really do and there's a good reason. Next time, I'll talk about my favorite shows. Onto the crap...
Shows I disdain
24 - This show was innovative, exciting, and on the edge of your seat entertainment... but many of the things that made the show great, no longer are present on the show now. Plus I don't know why Jack Bauer never seems to go to the bathroom, or stop to eat something... The plots are formulaic and predictable, and I don't like how they treat middle eastern ethnicities or the Chinese for that matter. It has become so cliche it's not even funny (especially with the fear in the media today) From what I read, the new season is supposed to be more personal and gripping. Whatever... just make sure Kiefer stops drinking himself silly.
The Real World - This show genre was the pioneer in reality show programming... before Survivor was ever a twinkle in Mark Burnett's eye, this show kicked major ass. There was the first season in New York, there was the season in San Francisco and it's focus on AIDS and HIV and becoming familiar with someone on TV who had it. It was truly revolutionary. It was thought provoking. It was a breath of fresh air. But now? Sex. Fighting. Sex. Fighting. Nudity. Promiscuity. More Nudity. Fighting. Crying. Semi transparent/Opaque shower doors. Sex in the shower. Oh and they are in an exotic locale which is really superfluous because the house really looks the same every year. I don't know when this show took its nose dive into everything raunchy. But I have a problem with people who whore themselves out for attention. I see that enough in real life, and don't need it in my TV show viewing. In general, I really am starting to disdain reality TV that doesn't involve food and competition.
Grey's Anatomy - This show is by far the most tired, boring, unimaginative piece of crap I've seen in some time. I was sucked in because many people at work love it. And when I say people, I mean the women, and one guy who really should stop watching it but has to because his wife does. Anyway, I watched it long ago and then stopped for 2 seasons or so. The women would talk about it and I didn't know what they were talking about, so I started to watch it again and lucky for me, I got to watch one of the worst seasons. You know a show is bad, when the main character is in a life threatening situation plot and about to die, and you kinda hope she does. Another thing I hate is the dialogue and it bears repeating what I saw 1 minute last night when the two off again - on again characters where about to break up again. This is how it sorta went...
McDreamy: So we are breaking up...
McMeredith: We are breaking up...
McDreamy: We are breaking up...
McMeredith: We are breaking up...
I'm sorry, can someone please put them out of their misery? I turned the channel and to my dismay this morning when I wanted to know what happened after that?... It was breakup sex. (but I'm sure the stimulating pillow talk was great as well) I'm sorry but if you still like this show... aren't you tired of the run around? This couple is light years behind the 'tug on heart strings' nature of Ross and Rachel, or even Pam and Jim (more on those two in the shows I like blog entry). These two are not at all likable and this is why the show failed with me. In addition, I've never seen such bad acting, bad story telling, bad dialogue, and just bad characters on a supposedly popular TV show.
Desperate Housewives - Now for those people who can't take the intellectual complexities of a hospital on Grey's Anatomy. Never fear. Because there's another show on ABC that will entertain you with the use of fewer brain cells. That show is Desperate Housewives. Granted, I've only watched like 3 episodes (if that many), so this is based on a small sample size. But honestly, if you watch any more than that... I think you might need to go to a doctor (preferably not one from Seattle Grace on Grey's Anatomy). Know what the problem with this show is? Name one actress from this show. Did you say Eva Longoria? There in lies the problem. For a good show, the first person mentioned varies. That's a sign of a great ensemble cast. Eva Longoria is a good actress, but so are Felicity Huffman, Teri Hatcher, Nicolette Sheridan, and my favorite Marcia Cross. But it seems that I only can recall Eva Longoria... or maybe it's because I follow basketball and she's always watching her husband Tony Parker play all the time. Anyway, it's a slippery slope when your show is only about one person... case in point.
That's not a good thing.
And from the files of, I liked this show when it was on the first time... I really hated that it was pulled off the air and now it's back as a horrible clone...
Moonlight - whatever... you are just filler for small headed, big haired Jennifer Love Hewitt's show. I much preferred ...
Angel - Now that's a vampire show...
The last show I want to bring up, isn't really a show, but really a person. A person that has been force fed down our throats, burned into our retinas, and made to believe is a talented cook... Oh yes my friends, you definitely know where I am going with this... the queen of Yum-O herself.
Rachael Ray - Yeah, not much I can say about her...
Except that I really don't understand how she has like 3-5 shows on TV. She doesn't know how to tip on that one show. She cooks meals in 30 minutes on that other show, which I wouldn't want to eat in the first place. She tries to act like she's much younger than she is with phrases like "Yum-O" which only makes her look pathetic and not sexy and definitely not cute. I could write an essay on why Rachael Ray is bad but it could be worse...
Next time... shows I just love.
And from the files of, I liked this show when it was on the first time... I really hated that it was pulled off the air and now it's back as a horrible clone...
Moonlight - whatever... you are just filler for small headed, big haired Jennifer Love Hewitt's show. I much preferred ...
Angel - Now that's a vampire show...
The last show I want to bring up, isn't really a show, but really a person. A person that has been force fed down our throats, burned into our retinas, and made to believe is a talented cook... Oh yes my friends, you definitely know where I am going with this... the queen of Yum-O herself.
Rachael Ray - Yeah, not much I can say about her...
Except that I really don't understand how she has like 3-5 shows on TV. She doesn't know how to tip on that one show. She cooks meals in 30 minutes on that other show, which I wouldn't want to eat in the first place. She tries to act like she's much younger than she is with phrases like "Yum-O" which only makes her look pathetic and not sexy and definitely not cute. I could write an essay on why Rachael Ray is bad but it could be worse...
Next time... shows I just love.